Course Schedule

Number Day Date Topic Assignments/Quizzes/Reflections. Additional Information
Lecture 1 T 1/9/2024 Introduction, and the Economics of Conservation

Papers to read:

1) Metrick, A., & Weitzman, M. L. (1998). Conflicts and choices in biodiversity preservation. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12(3), 21-34, and

2) Adamowicz, W. L. (2016). Economic analysis and species at risk: Lessons learned and future challenges. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d’agroeconomie, 64(1), 21-32.

Videos to Watch: Nick Huntington-Klien on interpreting regression coefficients:



Lab 1 W 1/10/2024 No lab See Lecture 1
Lecture 2 Th 1/11/2024 The economics of Conservation Continued Assignment 1 given (covers Random Assignment, and Regression Analysis). See Lecture 1
Lecture 3 T 1/16/2024 Counterfactual Thinking Paper to Read: Ferraro, P. J. (2009). Counterfactual thinking and impact evaluation in environmental policy. New directions for evaluation, 2009(122), 75-84.
Lab 2 W 1/17/2024 No lab
Lecture 4 Th 1/18/2024 Counterfactual Thinking Reflection 1 due midnight Jan 21st. Paper to Read: Ferraro, P. J. (2009). Counterfactual thinking and impact evaluation in environmental policy. New directions for evaluation, 2009(122), 75-84.
Lecture 5 T 1/23/2024 The Economics of Forest Conservation Paper to read: Foster, A.D. and Rosenzweig, M.R., 2003. Economic growth and the rise of forests. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118(2), pp.601-637.
Lab 3 W 1/24/2024 No lab
Lecture 6 Th 1/25/2024 Random Assignment Chapter 1, Angrist and Pischke
Lecture 7 T 1/30/2024 The Economics of Forest Conservation Assignment 2 given (Covers DAGs and Instrumental Variables) Paper to read: Foster, A.D. and Rosenzweig, M.R., 2003. Economic growth and the rise of forests. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118(2), pp.601-637.
Lab 4 W 1/31/2024 Lab on Random Assignment Chapter 1, Angrist and Pischke
Lecture 8 Th 2/1/2024 DAGs

Reflection 2 due midnight Feb 4th

Assignment 1 due midnight Feb 5th

Chapter 6, 7, The Effect Book:, Chapter 3, Causal Inference: The Mixtape,
Lecture 9 T 2/6/2024 Economic Development, Species Loss and Extraction Paper to read: Naidoo, R., & Adamowicz, W. L. (2001). Effects of economic prosperity on numbers of threatened species. Conservation Biology, 15(4), 1021-1029.
Lab 5 W 2/7/2024 Lab on DAGs/Regression Analysis Chapter 2, Angrist and Pischke
Lecture 10 Th 2/8/2024 Regression Analysis Chapter 2, Angrist and Pischke
Lecture 11 T 2/13/2024 Ecosystem Services and Land Rental Markets Paper to Read: Manning, D. T., & Ando, A. (2022). Ecosystem Services and Land Rental Markets: Producer Costs of Bat Population Crashes. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 9(6), 1235-1277.
Lab 6 W 2/14/2024 Lab on Regression Analysis/Fixed Effects. Read: The Effect, Chapter 16
Lecture 12 Th 2/15/2024 Instrumental Variables

Quiz 1 (45 minutes in class. Covers Random Assignment, Regression Analysis, DAG’s, and Instrumental Variables).

Reflection 3 due midnight Feb 18th.

Assignment 2 due midnight Feb 17th.

Chapter 3, Angrist and Pischke
2/20/2024 Midsemester Break
2/21/2024 Midsemester Break
2/22/2024 Midsemester Break
Lecture 13 T 2/27/2024 Ecosystem Services and Land Rental Markets Assignment 3 given (covers regression discontinuity, and difference and differences). Paper to Read: Manning, D. T., & Ando, A. (2022). Ecosystem Services and Land Rental Markets: Producer Costs of Bat Population Crashes. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 9(6), 1235-1277.
Lab 7 W 2/28/2024 Lab on Instrumental Variables Chapter 3, Angrist and Pischke
Lecture 14 Th 2/29/2024 Regression Discontinuity, lecture. Chapter 4, Angrist and Pischke.
Lecture 15 T 3/5/2024 Farm size and biodiversity. Paper to read: Noack, F., Larsen, A., Kamp, J., & Levers, C. (2021). A bird’s eye view of farm size and biodiversity: The ecological legacy of the iron curtain. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Lab 8 W 3/6/2024 Lab on Regression Discontinuity Chapter 4, Angrist and Pischke.
Lecture 16 Th 3/7/2024 Differences in Differences. Reflection 4 due midnight March 12th. Chapter 5, Angrist and Pischke.
Lecture 17 T 3/12/2024 Conservation and its impact on labor markets. Assignment 4 given (designed to help you start your final projects). Paper to read: Frank, E., (2020), The Impact of the Northern Spotted Owl Conservation Plan on Local Labor Markets, working paper.
Lab 9 W 3/13/2024 Lab on Differences in Differences.
Lecture 18 Th 3/14/2024 Topical Discussion. Assignment 3 due midnight March 15th. Topic to be determined.
Lecture 19 T 3/19/2024 Protected Areas Paper to read: Andam, Kwaw S, Paul J Ferraro, Katharine R E Sims, Andrew Healy, and Margaret B Holland. 2010. “Protected areas reduced poverty in Costa Rica and Thailand.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 (22): 9996–10001.
Lab 10 W 3/20/2024 No lab this week Start work on your final papers, including Assignments 4 and 5
Lecture 20 Th 3/21/2024 Discussion on your final projects.

Assignment 5 given (also designed to help you complete tasks related to the final project).

Assignment 4 due midnight March 22nd.

Reflection 5 due midnight March 24th.

Will address issues related to your final projects.
Lecture 21 T 3/26/2024 Protected Areas Paper to read: Burgess, R., Costa, F. J., & Olken, B. A. (2018). Wilderness Conservation and the Reach of the State: Evidence from National Borders in the Amazon (No. w24861). National Bureau of Economic Research
Lab 11 W 3/27/2024 Data lab. Quiz 2 (coding exercise in class).
Lecture 22 Th 3/28/2024 Reintroduction and Local Economies.

Referee report assigned.

Assignment 5 due midnight Mar 29.

Paper to read: Li, L., & Ando, A. W. (2022). The impact of bison reintroduction on local economies. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 51(3), 455-472.
Lecture 23 T 4/2/2024 Reintroduction and Local Economies. Paper to read: Li, L., & Ando, A. W. (2022). The impact of bison reintroduction on local economies. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 51(3), 455-472.
Lab 12 W 4/3/2024 Data lab. Will address issues related to your final projects.
Lecture 24 Th 4/4/2024 Endangered Species Act: Matching Methods Reflection 6 due midnight April 7th. Reading Assigned: Ferraro, P. J., McIntosh, C., & Ospina, M. (2007). The effectiveness of the US endangered
species act: An econometric analysis using matching methods. Journal of Environmental
Economics and Management, 54(3), 245-261.
Lecture 25 T 4/9/2024 Topical Discussion. Topic to be determined (topical discussion).
Lab 13 W 4/10/2024 Data lab. Will address issues related to your final projects.
Lecture 26 Th 4/11/2024 Endangered Species Act and Wrap Up.

Quiz 3 (covers Fixed Effects, Regression Discontinuity, Differences and Differences).

Referee report due midnight April 19th.

Final Paper due midnight Apr 26th.

Reading Assigned: Ferraro, P. J., McIntosh, C., & Ospina, M. (2007). The effectiveness of the US endangered
species act: An econometric analysis using matching methods. Journal of Environmental
Economics and Management, 54(3), 245-261.